Package Maintenance

Providing Wheels with Releases

The Continuous Integration (CI) now saves wheels created for each tested Python version and computer Operating System (OS) as artifacts. When preparing a new PyPi release, these wheels may be downloaded from the release candidate. We currently don’t include them, because the wheels only work when the installation environment mirrors the CI environment.

Updating IGRF

The International Geomagnetic Reference Field is regularly updated to reflect the most recent changes to the Terrestrial magnetic field. apexpy currently uses IRGF-14 coefficients, which are provided in the apexpy/apexpy/igrf14coeff.txt file. To change or update the magnetic field coefficients used by apexpy, you need to update the python code, then rerun the fortran program that builds apexpy/apexpy/apexsh.dat. This is what makes apexpy performant. For more details, see Emmert et al. [2010] [1].

Assuming your new coefficient file has the same format, the process is simple:

  1. Clone the repository or your fork of the repository (see Contributing).

  2. Update apexpy/apexpy/ variable igrf_fn by setting it equal to the new IGRF coefficient filename (igrf14coeff.txt, for example).

  3. In apexpy/fortranapex/checkapexsh.f90, update the variable igrffilein to the new IGRF coefficent filename. Relative paths are allowed.

  4. Modify checkapexsh.f90 by adding the next 5 year epoch to the epochgrid variable and updating the nepochgrid variable as necessary. For example, if the newest IGRF coefficients are good up to 2030 and epochgrid only has up to the year 2025, then add 2030 to epochgrid and then increment nepochgrid by 1.

  5. Execute the apextest binary to generate the new apexsh.dat file.

  6. Update the unit tests in the class TestApexMethodExtrapolateIGRF in apexpy/apexpy/tests/ so that they check the methods are working correctly with dates after the latest IGRF epoch (i.e., if the latest epoch is 2025, set the test to initialize with the year 2030). You will have to update the hard-coded confirmation values used by these tests.

  7. Commit all changes and create a pull request on GitHub to integrate your branch with updated IGRF into the main repository.

Modifying Fortran Source

When modifying the fortran source code, it can be helpful to run a preliminary validation of the fortran output independent of the python wrapper. This should be done within the apexpy/fortranapex directory.

  1. Remove any existing binaries by running the make clean command.

  2. Build the apextest binary by running the make command.

  3. Execute the apextext binary.

  4. Confirm the output printed to the screen matches the test output shown in the comment block at the bottom of checkapexsh.f90. The output may not match the test output exactly due to floating point errors and improvements in the precision of the calculation.

  5. If the modifications involved adding or removing fortran source files, modify the list of extension sources in setup.cfg.

  6. Rebuild and install apexpy following the instructions in Build from Source.

Updating tests and style standards

apexpy is in the process of updating unit and integration tests to reduce code duplication and implementing cleaner style standards. Additionally, some parts of the fortran code adhere to older coding standards and raise warnings when compiled with newer compilers. If you would like to assist in these efforts (help would be appreciated), please discuss your potential contribution with the current maintainer to ensure a minimal duplication of effort.