When referring to this software package, please be sure to include the package
and specify which version you used
Note that this DOI will always point to the latest version of the code. A list
of DOIs for all versions can be found at the Zenodo page above. The version can
by found by printing apexpy.__version__
. We also recommend citing a
reference to the coordinate system you use. More relevant references can be
found in Authors.
Example for citation in BibTex for a generalized version:
author = {van der Meeren, Christer and
Laundal, Karl M. and
Burrell, Angeline G. and
Lamarche, Leslie and
Starr, Gregory and
Reimer, Ashton and
Morschhauser, Achim and
Michaelis, Ingo},
title = {ApexPy vX.Y.Z},
year = 2024,
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1214206},
url = {}