Source code for test_Apex

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Test the apexpy.Apex class

Whenever function outputs are tested against hard-coded numbers, the test
results (numbers) were obtained by running the code that is tested.  Therefore,
these tests below only check that nothing changes when refactoring, etc., and
not if the results are actually correct.

These results are expected to change when IGRF is updated.


import datetime as dt
import numpy as np
import os
import pytest
import shutil
import warnings

import apexpy

[docs] class TestApexInit(object): """Test class for the Apex class object."""
[docs] def setup_method(self): """Initialize all tests.""" self.apex_out = None self.test_date = self.test_refh = 0 self.bad_file = 'foo/path/to/datafile.blah' self.temp_file = None
[docs] def teardown_method(self): """Clean up after each test.""" del self.apex_out, self.test_date, self.test_refh del self.bad_file, self.temp_file
[docs] def eval_date(self): """Evaluate the times in self.test_date and self.apex_out.""" if isinstance(self.test_date, dt.datetime) \ or isinstance(self.test_date, self.test_date = apexpy.helpers.toYearFraction(self.test_date) # Assert the times are the same on the order of tens of seconds. # Necessary to evaluate the current UTC np.testing.assert_almost_equal(self.test_date, self.apex_out.year, 6) return
[docs] def eval_refh(self): """Evaluate the reference height in self.refh and self.apex_out.""" eval_str = "".join(["expected reference height [", "{:}] not equal to Apex ".format(self.test_refh), "reference height ", "[{:}]".format(self.apex_out.refh)]) assert self.test_refh == self.apex_out.refh, eval_str return
[docs] def test_init_defaults(self): """Test Apex class default initialization.""" self.apex_out = apexpy.Apex() self.eval_date() self.eval_refh() return
[docs] def test_init_today(self): """Test Apex class initialization with today's date.""" self.apex_out = apexpy.Apex(date=self.test_date) self.eval_date() self.eval_refh() return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("in_date", [2015, 2015.5,, 1, 1), dt.datetime(2015, 6, 1, 18, 23, 45)])
[docs] def test_init_date(self, in_date): """Test Apex class with date initialization. Parameters ---------- in_date : int, float,, or dt.datetime Input date in a variety of formats """ self.test_date = in_date self.apex_out = apexpy.Apex(date=self.test_date) self.eval_date() self.eval_refh() return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("new_date", [2015, 2015.5])
[docs] def test_set_epoch(self, new_date): """Test successful setting of Apex epoch after initialization. Parameters ---------- new_date : int or float New date for the Apex class """ # Evaluate the default initialization self.apex_out = apexpy.Apex() self.eval_date() self.eval_refh() # Update the epoch ref_apex = eval(self.apex_out.__repr__()) self.apex_out.set_epoch(new_date) assert ref_apex != self.apex_out self.test_date = new_date self.eval_date() return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("in_refh", [0.0, 300.0, 30000.0, -1.0])
[docs] def test_init_refh(self, in_refh): """Test Apex class with reference height initialization. Parameters ---------- in_refh : float Input reference height in km """ self.test_refh = in_refh self.apex_out = apexpy.Apex(refh=self.test_refh) self.eval_date() self.eval_refh() return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("new_refh", [0.0, 300.0, 30000.0, -1.0])
[docs] def test_set_refh(self, new_refh): """Test the method used to set the reference height after the init. Parameters ---------- new_refh : float Reference height in km """ # Verify the defaults are set self.apex_out = apexpy.Apex(date=self.test_date) self.eval_date() self.eval_refh() # Update to a new reference height and test ref_apex = eval(self.apex_out.__repr__()) self.apex_out.set_refh(new_refh) if self.test_refh == new_refh: assert ref_apex == self.apex_out else: assert ref_apex != self.apex_out self.test_refh = new_refh self.eval_refh() return
[docs] def copy_file(self, original, max_attempts=100): """Make a temporary copy of input file.""" _, ext = os.path.splitext(original) self.temp_file = 'temp' + ext for _ in range(max_attempts): try: shutil.copy(original, self.temp_file) break except Exception: pass return self.temp_file
[docs] def test_default_datafile(self): """Test that the class initializes with the default datafile.""" self.apex_out = apexpy.Apex() assert os.path.isfile(self.apex_out.datafile) return
[docs] def test_custom_datafile(self): """Test that the class initializes with a good datafile input.""" # Get the original datafile name apex_out_orig = apexpy.Apex() original_file = apex_out_orig.datafile del apex_out_orig # Create copy of datafile custom_file = self.copy_file(original_file) apex_out = apexpy.Apex(datafile=custom_file) assert apex_out.datafile == custom_file os.remove(custom_file) return
[docs] def test_init_with_bad_datafile(self): """Test raises IOError with non-existent datafile input.""" with pytest.raises(IOError) as oerr: apexpy.Apex(datafile=self.bad_file) assert str(oerr.value).startswith('Data file does not exist') return
[docs] def test_default_fortranlib(self): """Test that the class initializes with the default fortranlib.""" apex_out = apexpy.Apex() assert os.path.isfile(apex_out.fortranlib) return
[docs] def test_custom_fortranlib(self): """Test that the class initializes with a good fortranlib input.""" # Get the original fortranlib name apex_out_orig = apexpy.Apex() original_lib = apex_out_orig.fortranlib del apex_out_orig # Create copy of datafile custom_lib = self.copy_file(original_lib) apex_out = apexpy.Apex(fortranlib=custom_lib) assert apex_out.fortranlib == custom_lib os.remove(custom_lib) return
[docs] def test_init_with_bad_fortranlib(self): """Test raises IOError with non-existent fortranlib input.""" with pytest.raises(IOError) as oerr: apexpy.Apex(fortranlib=self.bad_file) assert str(oerr.value).startswith('Fortran library does not exist') return
[docs] def test_igrf_fn(self): """Test the default igrf_fn.""" apex_out = apexpy.Apex() assert os.path.isfile(apex_out.igrf_fn) return
[docs] def test_repr_eval(self): """Test the Apex.__repr__ results.""" # Initialize the apex object self.apex_out = apexpy.Apex() self.eval_date() self.eval_refh() # Get and test the repr string out_str = self.apex_out.__repr__() assert out_str.find("apexpy.Apex(") == 0 # Test the ability to re-create the apex object from the repr string new_apex = eval(out_str) assert new_apex == self.apex_out return
[docs] def test_ne_other_class(self): """Test Apex class inequality to a different class.""" self.apex_out = apexpy.Apex() self.eval_date() self.eval_refh() assert self.apex_out != self.test_date return
[docs] def test_ne_missing_attr(self): """Test Apex class inequality when attributes are missing from one.""" self.apex_out = apexpy.Apex() self.eval_date() self.eval_refh() ref_apex = eval(self.apex_out.__repr__()) del ref_apex.RE assert ref_apex != self.apex_out assert self.apex_out != ref_apex return
[docs] def test_eq_missing_attr(self): """Test Apex class equality when attributes are missing from both.""" self.apex_out = apexpy.Apex() self.eval_date() self.eval_refh() ref_apex = eval(self.apex_out.__repr__()) del ref_apex.RE, self.apex_out.RE assert ref_apex == self.apex_out return
[docs] def test_str_eval(self): """Test the Apex.__str__ results.""" # Initialize the apex object self.apex_out = apexpy.Apex() self.eval_date() self.eval_refh() # Get and test the printed string out_str = self.apex_out.__str__() assert out_str.find("Decimal year") > 0 return
[docs] class TestApexMethod(object): """Test the Apex methods."""
[docs] def setup_method(self): """Initialize all tests.""" self.apex_out = apexpy.Apex(date=2000, refh=300) self.in_lat = 60 self.in_lon = 15 self.in_alt = 100
[docs] def teardown_method(self): """Clean up after each test.""" del self.apex_out, self.in_lat, self.in_lon, self.in_alt
[docs] def get_input_args(self, method_name, precision=0.0): """Set the input arguments for the different Apex methods. Parameters ---------- method_name : str Name of the Apex class method precision : float Value for the precision (default=0.0) Returns ------- in_args : list List of the appropriate input arguments """ in_args = [self.in_lat, self.in_lon, self.in_alt] # Add precision, if needed if method_name in ["_qd2geo", "apxq2g", "apex2geo", "qd2geo", "_apex2geo"]: in_args.append(precision) # Add a reference height, if needed if method_name in ["apxg2all"]: in_args.append(300) # Add a vector flag, if needed if method_name in ["apxg2all", "apxg2q"]: in_args.append(1) return in_args
[docs] def test_apex_conversion_today(self): """Test Apex class conversion with today's date.""" self.apex_out = apexpy.Apex(, refh=300) assert not np.isnan(self.apex_out.geo2apex(self.in_lat, self.in_lon, self.in_alt)).any() return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("apex_method,fortran_method,fslice", [("_geo2qd", "apxg2q", slice(0, 2, 1)), ("_geo2apex", "apxg2all", slice(2, 4, 1)), ("_qd2geo", "apxq2g", slice(None)), ("_basevec", "apxg2q", slice(2, 4, 1))]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("lat", [0, 30, 60, 89]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("lon", [-179, -90, 0, 90, 180])
[docs] def test_fortran_scalar_input(self, apex_method, fortran_method, fslice, lat, lon): """Tests Apex/fortran interface consistency for scalars. Parameters ---------- apex_method : str Name of the Apex class method to test fortran_method : str Name of the Fortran function to test fslice : slice Slice used select the appropriate Fortran outputs lat : int or float Latitude in degrees N lon : int or float Longitude in degrees E """ # Set the input coordinates self.in_lat = lat self.in_lon = lon # Get the Apex class method and the fortran function call apex_func = getattr(self.apex_out, apex_method) fortran_func = getattr(apexpy.fortranapex, fortran_method) # Get the appropriate input arguments apex_args = self.get_input_args(apex_method) fortran_args = self.get_input_args(fortran_method) # Evaluate the equivalent function calls np.testing.assert_allclose(apex_func(*apex_args), fortran_func(*fortran_args)[fslice]) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("apex_method,fortran_method,fslice", [("_geo2qd", "apxg2q", slice(0, 2, 1)), ("_geo2apex", "apxg2all", slice(2, 4, 1)), ("_qd2geo", "apxq2g", slice(None)), ("_basevec", "apxg2q", slice(2, 4, 1))]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("lat", [0, 30, 60, 89]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("lon1,lon2", [(180, 180), (-180, -180), (180, -180), (-180, 180), (-345, 15), (375, 15)])
[docs] def test_fortran_longitude_rollover(self, apex_method, fortran_method, fslice, lat, lon1, lon2): """Tests Apex/fortran interface consistency for longitude rollover. Parameters ---------- apex_method : str Name of the Apex class method to test fortran_method : str Name of the Fortran function to test fslice : slice Slice used select the appropriate Fortran outputs lat : int or float Latitude in degrees N lon1 : int or float Longitude in degrees E lon2 : int or float Equivalent longitude in degrees E """ # Set the fixed input coordinate self.in_lat = lat # Get the Apex class method and the fortran function call apex_func = getattr(self.apex_out, apex_method) fortran_func = getattr(apexpy.fortranapex, fortran_method) # Get the appropriate input arguments self.in_lon = lon1 apex_args = self.get_input_args(apex_method) self.in_lon = lon2 fortran_args = self.get_input_args(fortran_method) # Evaluate the equivalent function calls np.testing.assert_allclose(apex_func(*apex_args), fortran_func(*fortran_args)[fslice]) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("arr_shape", [(2, 2), (4,), (1, 4)]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("apex_method,fortran_method,fslice", [("_geo2qd", "apxg2q", slice(0, 2, 1)), ("_geo2apex", "apxg2all", slice(2, 4, 1)), ("_qd2geo", "apxq2g", slice(None)), ("_basevec", "apxg2q", slice(2, 4, 1))])
[docs] def test_fortran_array_input(self, arr_shape, apex_method, fortran_method, fslice): """Tests Apex/fortran interface consistency for array input. Parameters ---------- arr_shape : tuple Expected output shape apex_method : str Name of the Apex class method to test fortran_method : str Name of the Fortran function to test fslice : slice Slice used select the appropriate Fortran outputs """ # Get the Apex class method and the fortran function call apex_func = getattr(self.apex_out, apex_method) fortran_func = getattr(apexpy.fortranapex, fortran_method) # Set up the input arrays ref_lat = np.array([0, 30, 60, 90]) ref_alt = np.array([100, 200, 300, 400]) self.in_lat = ref_lat.reshape(arr_shape) self.in_alt = ref_alt.reshape(arr_shape) apex_args = self.get_input_args(apex_method) # Get the Apex class results aret = apex_func(*apex_args) # Get the fortran function results flats = list() flons = list() for i, lat in enumerate(ref_lat): self.in_lat = lat self.in_alt = ref_alt[i] fortran_args = self.get_input_args(fortran_method) fret = fortran_func(*fortran_args)[fslice] flats.append(fret[0]) flons.append(fret[1]) flats = np.array(flats) flons = np.array(flons) # Evaluate results try: # This returned value is array of floats np.testing.assert_allclose(aret[0].astype(float), flats.reshape(arr_shape).astype(float)) np.testing.assert_allclose(aret[1].astype(float), flons.reshape(arr_shape).astype(float)) except ValueError: # This returned value is array of arrays alats = aret[0].reshape((4,)) alons = aret[1].reshape((4,)) for i, flat in enumerate(flats): np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(alats[i], flat, 2) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(alons[i], flons[i], 2) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("lat", [0, 30, 60, 89]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("lon", [-179, -90, 0, 90, 180])
[docs] def test_geo2apexall_scalar(self, lat, lon): """Test Apex/fortran geo2apexall interface consistency for scalars. Parameters ---------- lat : int or float Latitude in degrees N long : int or float Longitude in degrees E """ # Get the Apex and Fortran results aret = self.apex_out._geo2apexall(lat, lon, self.in_alt) fret = apexpy.fortranapex.apxg2all(lat, lon, self.in_alt, 300, 1) # Evaluate each element in the results for aval, fval in zip(aret, fret): np.testing.assert_allclose(aval, fval)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("arr_shape", [(2, 2), (4,), (1, 4)])
[docs] def test_geo2apexall_array(self, arr_shape): """Test Apex/fortran geo2apexall interface consistency for arrays. Parameters ---------- arr_shape : tuple Expected output shape """ # Set the input self.in_lat = np.array([0, 30, 60, 90]) self.in_alt = np.array([100, 200, 300, 400]) # Get the Apex class results aret = self.apex_out._geo2apexall(self.in_lat.reshape(arr_shape), self.in_lon, self.in_alt.reshape(arr_shape)) # For each lat/alt pair, get the Fortran results fret = list() for i, lat in enumerate(self.in_lat): fret.append(apexpy.fortranapex.apxg2all(lat, self.in_lon, self.in_alt[i], 300, 1)) # Cycle through all returned values for i, ret in enumerate(aret): try: # This returned value is array of floats fret_test = np.array([fret[0][i], fret[1][i], fret[2][i], fret[3][i]]).reshape(arr_shape) np.testing.assert_allclose(ret.astype(float), fret_test.astype(float)) except ValueError: # This returned value is array of arrays ret = ret.reshape((4,)) for j, single_fret in enumerate(fret): np.testing.assert_allclose(ret[j], single_fret[i]) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("in_coord", ["geo", "apex", "qd"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("out_coord", ["geo", "apex", "qd"])
[docs] def test_convert_consistency(self, in_coord, out_coord): """Test the self-consistency of the Apex convert method. Parameters ---------- in_coord : str Input coordinate system out_coord : str Output coordinate system """ if in_coord == out_coord: pytest.skip("Test not needed for same src and dest coordinates") # Define the method name method_name = "2".join([in_coord, out_coord]) # Get the method and method inputs convert_kwargs = {'height': self.in_alt, 'precision': 0.0} apex_args = self.get_input_args(method_name) apex_method = getattr(self.apex_out, method_name) # Define the slice needed to get equivalent output from the named method mslice = slice(0, -1, 1) if out_coord == "geo" else slice(None) # Get output using convert and named method convert_out = self.apex_out.convert(self.in_lat, self.in_lon, in_coord, out_coord, **convert_kwargs) method_out = apex_method(*apex_args)[mslice] # Compare both outputs, should be identical np.testing.assert_allclose(convert_out, method_out) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("bound_lat", [90, -90]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("in_coord", ["geo", "apex", "qd"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("out_coord", ["geo", "apex", "qd"])
[docs] def test_convert_at_lat_boundary(self, bound_lat, in_coord, out_coord): """Test the conversion at the latitude boundary, with allowed excess. Parameters ---------- bound_lat : int or float Boundary latitude in degrees N in_coord : str Input coordinate system out_coord : str Output coordinate system """ excess_lat = np.sign(bound_lat) * (abs(bound_lat) + 1.0e-5) # Get the two outputs, slight tolerance outside of boundary allowed bound_out = self.apex_out.convert(bound_lat, 0, in_coord, out_coord) excess_out = self.apex_out.convert(excess_lat, 0, in_coord, out_coord) # Test the outputs np.testing.assert_allclose(excess_out, bound_out, rtol=0, atol=1e-8) return
[docs] def test_convert_qd2apex_at_equator(self): """Test the quasi-dipole to apex conversion at the magnetic equator.""" eq_out = self.apex_out.convert(lat=0.0, lon=0, source='qd', dest='apex', height=320.0) close_out = self.apex_out.convert(lat=0.001, lon=0, source='qd', dest='apex', height=320.0) np.testing.assert_allclose(eq_out, close_out, atol=1e-4) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("src", ["geo", "apex", "qd"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dest", ["geo", "apex", "qd"])
[docs] def test_convert_withnan(self, src, dest): """Test Apex.convert success with NaN input. Parameters ---------- src : str Input coordinate system dest : str Output coordinate system """ if src == dest: pytest.skip("Test not needed for same src and dest coordinates") num_nans = 5 in_loc = np.arange(0, 10, dtype=float) in_loc[:num_nans] = np.nan out_loc = self.apex_out.convert(in_loc, in_loc, src, dest, height=320) for out in out_loc: assert np.all(np.isnan(out[:num_nans])), "NaN output expected" assert np.all(np.isfinite(out[num_nans:])), "Finite output expected" return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("bad_lat", [91, -91])
[docs] def test_convert_invalid_lat(self, bad_lat): """Test convert raises ValueError for invalid latitudes. Parameters ---------- bad_lat : int or float Latitude ouside the supported range in degrees N """ with pytest.raises(ValueError) as verr: self.apex_out.convert(bad_lat, 0, 'geo', 'geo') assert str(verr.value).find("must be in [-90, 90]") > 0 return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("coords", [("foobar", "geo"), ("geo", "foobar"), ("geo", "mlt")])
[docs] def test_convert_invalid_transformation(self, coords): """Test raises NotImplementedError for bad coordinates. Parameters ---------- coords : tuple Tuple specifying the input and output coordinate systems """ if "mlt" in coords: estr = "datetime must be given for MLT calculations" else: estr = "Unknown coordinate transformation" with pytest.raises(ValueError) as verr: self.apex_out.convert(0, 0, *coords) assert str(verr).find(estr) >= 0 return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("method_name, out_comp", [("geo2apex", (55.94841766357422, 94.10684204101562)), ("apex2geo", (51.476322174072266, -66.22817993164062, 5.727287771151168e-06)), ("geo2qd", (56.531288146972656, 94.10684204101562)), ("apex2qd", (60.498401178276744, 15.0)), ("qd2apex", (59.49138097045895, 15.0))])
[docs] def test_method_scalar_input(self, method_name, out_comp): """Test the user method against set values with scalars. Parameters ---------- method_name : str Apex class method to be tested out_comp : tuple of floats Expected output values """ # Get the desired methods user_method = getattr(self.apex_out, method_name) # Get the user output user_out = user_method(self.in_lat, self.in_lon, self.in_alt) # Evaluate the user output np.testing.assert_allclose(user_out, out_comp, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-5) for out_val in user_out: assert np.asarray(out_val).shape == (), "output is not a scalar" return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("in_coord", ["geo", "apex", "qd"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("out_coord", ["geo", "apex", "qd"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("method_args, out_shape", [([[60, 60], 15, 100], (2,)), ([60, [15, 15], 100], (2,)), ([60, 15, [100, 100]], (2,)), ([[50, 60], [15, 16], [100, 200]], (2,))])
[docs] def test_method_broadcast_input(self, in_coord, out_coord, method_args, out_shape): """Test the user method with inputs that require some broadcasting. Parameters ---------- in_coord : str Input coordiante system out_coord : str Output coordiante system method_args : list List of input arguments out_shape : tuple Expected shape of output values """ if in_coord == out_coord: pytest.skip("Test not needed for same src and dest coordinates") # Get the desired methods method_name = "2".join([in_coord, out_coord]) user_method = getattr(self.apex_out, method_name) # Get the user output user_out = user_method(*method_args) # Evaluate the user output for out_val in user_out: assert hasattr(out_val, 'shape'), "output coordinate isn't np.array" assert out_val.shape == out_shape return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("in_coord", ["geo", "apex", "qd"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("out_coord", ["geo", "apex", "qd"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("bad_lat", [91, -91])
[docs] def test_method_invalid_lat(self, in_coord, out_coord, bad_lat): """Test convert raises ValueError for invalid latitudes. Parameters ---------- in_coord : str Input coordiante system out_coord : str Output coordiante system bad_lat : int Latitude in degrees N that is out of bounds """ if in_coord == out_coord: pytest.skip("Test not needed for same src and dest coordinates") # Get the desired methods method_name = "2".join([in_coord, out_coord]) user_method = getattr(self.apex_out, method_name) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as verr: user_method(bad_lat, 15, 100) assert str(verr.value).find("must be in [-90, 90]") > 0 return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("in_coord", ["geo", "apex", "qd"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("out_coord", ["geo", "apex", "qd"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("bound_lat", [90, -90])
[docs] def test_method_at_lat_boundary(self, in_coord, out_coord, bound_lat): """Test user methods at the latitude boundary, with allowed excess. Parameters ---------- in_coord : str Input coordiante system out_coord : str Output coordiante system bad_lat : int Latitude in degrees N that is at the limits of the boundary """ if in_coord == out_coord: pytest.skip("Test not needed for same src and dest coordinates") # Get the desired methods method_name = "2".join([in_coord, out_coord]) user_method = getattr(self.apex_out, method_name) # Get a latitude just beyond the limit excess_lat = np.sign(bound_lat) * (abs(bound_lat) + 1.0e-5) # Get the two outputs, slight tolerance outside of boundary allowed bound_out = user_method(bound_lat, 0, 100) excess_out = user_method(excess_lat, 0, 100) # Test the outputs np.testing.assert_allclose(excess_out, bound_out, rtol=0, atol=1e-8) return
[docs] def test_geo2apex_undefined_warning(self): """Test geo2apex warning and fill values for an undefined location.""" # Update the apex object self.apex_out = apexpy.Apex(date=2000, refh=10000) # Get the output and the warnings with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warn_rec: user_lat, user_lon = self.apex_out.geo2apex(0, 0, 0) assert np.isnan(user_lat) assert np.isfinite(user_lon) assert len(warn_rec) == 1 assert issubclass(warn_rec[-1].category, UserWarning) assert 'latitude set to NaN where' in str(warn_rec[-1].message) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("method_name", ["apex2qd", "qd2apex"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("delta_h", [1.0e-6, -1.0e-6])
[docs] def test_quasidipole_apexheight_close(self, method_name, delta_h): """Test quasi-dipole success with a height close to the reference. Parameters ---------- method_name : str Apex class method name to be tested delta_h : float tolerance for height in km """ qd_method = getattr(self.apex_out, method_name) in_args = [0, 15, self.apex_out.refh + delta_h] out_coords = qd_method(*in_args) for i, out_val in enumerate(out_coords): np.testing.assert_almost_equal(out_val, in_args[i], decimal=3) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("method_name, hinc, msg", [("apex2qd", 1.0, "is > apex height"), ("qd2apex", -1.0, "is < reference height")])
[docs] def test_quasidipole_raises_apexheight(self, method_name, hinc, msg): """Quasi-dipole raises ApexHeightError when height above reference. Parameters ---------- method_name : str Apex class method name to be tested hinc : float Height increment in km msg : str Expected output message """ qd_method = getattr(self.apex_out, method_name) with pytest.raises(apexpy.ApexHeightError) as aerr: qd_method(0, 15, self.apex_out.refh + hinc) assert str(aerr).find(msg) > 0 return
[docs] class TestApexMLTMethods(object): """Test the Apex Magnetic Local Time (MLT) methods."""
[docs] def setup_method(self): """Initialize all tests.""" self.apex_out = apexpy.Apex(date=2000, refh=300) self.in_time = dt.datetime(2000, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
[docs] def teardown_method(self): """Clean up after each test.""" del self.apex_out, self.in_time
@pytest.mark.parametrize("in_coord", ["geo", "apex", "qd"])
[docs] def test_convert_to_mlt(self, in_coord): """Test the conversions to MLT using Apex convert. Parameters ---------- in_coord : str Input coordinate system """ # Get the magnetic longitude from the appropriate method if in_coord == "geo": apex_method = getattr(self.apex_out, "{:s}2apex".format(in_coord)) mlon = apex_method(60, 15, 100)[1] else: mlon = 15 # Get the output MLT values convert_mlt = self.apex_out.convert(60, 15, in_coord, 'mlt', height=100, ssheight=2e5, datetime=self.in_time)[1] method_mlt = self.apex_out.mlon2mlt(mlon, self.in_time, ssheight=2e5) # Test the outputs np.testing.assert_allclose(convert_mlt, method_mlt) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("out_coord", ["geo", "apex", "qd"])
[docs] def test_convert_mlt_to_lon(self, out_coord): """Test the conversions from MLT using Apex convert. Parameters ---------- out_coord : str Output coordinate system """ # Get the output longitudes convert_out = self.apex_out.convert(60, 15, 'mlt', out_coord, height=100, ssheight=2e5, datetime=self.in_time, precision=1e-2) mlon = self.apex_out.mlt2mlon(15, self.in_time, ssheight=2e5) if out_coord == "geo": method_out = self.apex_out.apex2geo(60, mlon, 100, precision=1e-2)[:-1] elif out_coord == "qd": method_out = self.apex_out.apex2qd(60, mlon, 100) else: method_out = (60, mlon) # Evaluate the outputs np.testing.assert_allclose(convert_out, method_out) return
[docs] def test_convert_geo2mlt_nodate(self): """Test convert from geo to MLT raises ValueError with no datetime.""" with pytest.raises(ValueError): self.apex_out.convert(60, 15, 'geo', 'mlt') return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("mlon_kwargs,test_mlt", [({}, 23.019629923502603), ({"ssheight": 100000}, 23.026712036132814)])
[docs] def test_mlon2mlt_scalar_inputs(self, mlon_kwargs, test_mlt): """Test mlon2mlt with scalar inputs. Parameters ---------- mlon_kwargs : dict Input kwargs test_mlt : float Output MLT in hours """ mlt = self.apex_out.mlon2mlt(0, self.in_time, **mlon_kwargs) np.testing.assert_allclose(mlt, test_mlt) assert np.asarray(mlt).shape == () return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("mlt_kwargs,test_mlon", [({}, 14.705535888671875), ({"ssheight": 100000}, 14.599319458007812)])
[docs] def test_mlt2mlon_scalar_inputs(self, mlt_kwargs, test_mlon): """Test mlt2mlon with scalar inputs. Parameters ---------- mlt_kwargs : dict Input kwargs test_mlon : float Output longitude in degrees E """ mlon = self.apex_out.mlt2mlon(0, self.in_time, **mlt_kwargs) np.testing.assert_allclose(mlon, test_mlon) assert np.asarray(mlon).shape == () return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("mlon,test_mlt", [([0, 180], [23.019261, 11.019261]), (np.array([0, 180]), [23.019261, 11.019261]), (np.array([[0], [180]]), np.array([[23.019261], [11.019261]])), ([[0, 180], [0, 180]], [[23.019261, 11.019261], [23.019261, 11.019261]]), (range(0, 361, 30), [23.01963, 1.01963, 3.01963, 5.01963, 7.01963, 9.01963, 11.01963, 13.01963, 15.01963, 17.01963, 19.01963, 21.01963, 23.01963])])
[docs] def test_mlon2mlt_array(self, mlon, test_mlt): """Test mlon2mlt with array inputs. Parameters ---------- mlon : array-like Input longitudes in degrees E test_mlt : float Output MLT in hours """ mlt = self.apex_out.mlon2mlt(mlon, self.in_time) assert mlt.shape == np.asarray(test_mlt).shape np.testing.assert_allclose(mlt, test_mlt, rtol=1e-4) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("mlt,test_mlon", [([0, 12], [14.705551, 194.705551]), (np.array([0, 12]), [14.705551, 194.705551]), (np.array([[0], [12]]), np.array([[14.705551], [194.705551]])), ([[0, 12], [0, 12]], [[14.705551, 194.705551], [14.705551, 194.705551]]), (range(0, 25, 2), [14.705551, 44.705551, 74.705551, 104.705551, 134.705551, 164.705551, 194.705551, 224.705551, 254.705551, 284.705551, 314.705551, 344.705551, 14.705551])])
[docs] def test_mlt2mlon_array(self, mlt, test_mlon): """Test mlt2mlon with array inputs. Parameters ---------- mlt : array-like Input MLT in hours test_mlon : float Output longitude in degrees E """ mlon = self.apex_out.mlt2mlon(mlt, self.in_time) assert mlon.shape == np.asarray(test_mlon).shape np.testing.assert_allclose(mlon, test_mlon, rtol=1e-4) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("method_name", ["mlon2mlt", "mlt2mlon"])
[docs] def test_mlon2mlt_diffdates(self, method_name): """Test that MLT varies with universal time. Parameters ---------- method_name : str Name of Apex class method to be tested """ apex_method = getattr(self.apex_out, method_name) mlt1 = apex_method(0, self.in_time) mlt2 = apex_method(0, self.in_time + dt.timedelta(hours=1)) assert mlt1 != mlt2 return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("mlt_offset", [1.0, 10.0])
[docs] def test_mlon2mlt_offset(self, mlt_offset): """Test the time wrapping logic for the MLT. Parameters ---------- mlt_offset : float MLT offset in hours """ mlt1 = self.apex_out.mlon2mlt(0.0, self.in_time) mlt2 = self.apex_out.mlon2mlt(-15.0 * mlt_offset, self.in_time) + mlt_offset np.testing.assert_allclose(mlt1, mlt2) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("mlon_offset", [15.0, 150.0])
[docs] def test_mlt2mlon_offset(self, mlon_offset): """Test the time wrapping logic for the magnetic longitude. Parameters ---------- mlt_offset : float MLT offset in hours """ mlon1 = self.apex_out.mlt2mlon(0, self.in_time) mlon2 = self.apex_out.mlt2mlon(mlon_offset / 15.0, self.in_time) - mlon_offset np.testing.assert_allclose(mlon1, mlon2) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("order", [["mlt", "mlon"], ["mlon", "mlt"]]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("start_val", [0, 6, 12, 18, 22])
[docs] def test_convert_and_return(self, order, start_val): """Test the conversion to magnetic longitude or MLT and back again. Parameters ---------- order : list List of strings specifying the order to run functions start_val : int or float Input value """ first_method = getattr(self.apex_out, "2".join(order)) second_method = getattr(self.apex_out, "2".join([order[1], order[0]])) middle_val = first_method(start_val, self.in_time) end_val = second_method(middle_val, self.in_time) np.testing.assert_allclose(start_val, end_val) return
[docs] class TestApexMapMethods(object): """Test the Apex height mapping methods."""
[docs] def setup_method(self): """Initialize all tests.""" self.apex_out = apexpy.Apex(date=2000, refh=300)
[docs] def teardown_method(self): """Clean up after each test.""" del self.apex_out
@pytest.mark.parametrize("in_args,test_mapped", [([60, 15, 100, 10000], [31.841466903686523, 17.916635513305664, 1.7075473124350538e-6]), ([30, 170, 100, 500, False, 1e-2], [25.727270126342773, 169.60546875, 0.00017573432705830783]), ([60, 15, 100, 10000, True], [-25.424888610839844, 27.310426712036133, 1.2074182222931995e-6]), ([30, 170, 100, 500, True, 1e-2], [-13.76642894744873, 164.24259948730469, 0.00056820799363777041])])
[docs] def test_map_to_height(self, in_args, test_mapped): """Test the map_to_height function. Parameters ---------- in_args : list List of input arguments test_mapped : list List of expected outputs """ mapped = self.apex_out.map_to_height(*in_args) np.testing.assert_allclose(mapped, test_mapped, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-5) return
[docs] def test_map_to_height_same_height(self): """Test the map_to_height function when mapping to same height.""" mapped = self.apex_out.map_to_height(60, 15, 100, 100, conjugate=False, precision=1e-10) np.testing.assert_allclose(mapped, (60.0, 15.000003814697266, 0.0), rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-5) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arr_shape', [(2,), (2, 2), (1, 4)]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('ivec', range(0, 4))
[docs] def test_map_to_height_array_location(self, arr_shape, ivec): """Test map_to_height with array input. Parameters ---------- arr_shape : tuple Expected array shape ivec : int Input argument index for vectorized input """ # Set the base input and output values in_args = [60, 15, 100, 100] test_mapped = [60, 15.00000381, 0.0] # Update inputs for one vectorized value in_args[ivec] = np.full(shape=arr_shape, fill_value=in_args[ivec]) # Calculate and test function mapped = self.apex_out.map_to_height(*in_args) for i, test_val in enumerate(test_mapped): assert mapped[i].shape == arr_shape np.testing.assert_allclose(mapped[i], test_val, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-5) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("method_name,in_args", [("map_to_height", [0, 15, 100, 10000]), ("map_E_to_height", [0, 15, 100, 10000, [1, 2, 3]]), ("map_V_to_height", [0, 15, 100, 10000, [1, 2, 3]])])
[docs] def test_mapping_height_raises_ApexHeightError(self, method_name, in_args): """Test map_to_height raises ApexHeightError. Parameters ---------- method_name : str Name of the Apex class method to test in_args : list List of input arguments """ apex_method = getattr(self.apex_out, method_name) with pytest.raises(apexpy.ApexHeightError) as aerr: apex_method(*in_args) assert aerr.match("is > apex height") return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("method_name", ["map_E_to_height", "map_V_to_height"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("ev_input", [([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), ([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]])])
[docs] def test_mapping_EV_bad_shape(self, method_name, ev_input): """Test height mapping of E/V with baddly shaped input raises Error. Parameters ---------- method_name : str Name of the Apex class method to test ev_input : list E/V input arguments """ apex_method = getattr(self.apex_out, method_name) in_args = [60, 15, 100, 500, ev_input] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as verr: apex_method(*in_args) assert str(verr.value).find("must be (3, N) or (3,) ndarray") >= 0 return
[docs] def test_mapping_EV_bad_flag(self): """Test _map_EV_to_height raises error for bad data type flag.""" with pytest.raises(ValueError) as verr: self.apex_out._map_EV_to_height(60, 15, 100, 500, [1, 2, 3], "P") assert str(verr.value).find("unknown electric field/drift flag") >= 0 return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("in_args,test_mapped", [([60, 15, 100, 500, [1, 2, 3]], [0.71152183, 2.35624876, 0.57260784]), ([60, 15, 100, 500, [2, 3, 4]], [1.56028502, 3.43916636, 0.78235384]), ([60, 15, 100, 1000, [1, 2, 3]], [0.67796492, 2.08982134, 0.55860785]), ([60, 15, 200, 500, [1, 2, 3]], [0.72377397, 2.42737471, 0.59083726]), ([60, 30, 100, 500, [1, 2, 3]], [0.68626344, 2.37530133, 0.60060124]), ([70, 15, 100, 500, [1, 2, 3]], [0.72760378, 2.18082305, 0.29141979])])
[docs] def test_map_E_to_height_scalar_location(self, in_args, test_mapped): """Test mapping of E-field to a specified height. Parameters ---------- in_args : list List of input arguments test_mapped : list List of expected outputs """ mapped = self.apex_out.map_E_to_height(*in_args) np.testing.assert_allclose(mapped, test_mapped, rtol=1e-5) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize('ev_flag, test_mapped', [('E', [0.71152183, 2.35624876, 0.57260784]), ('V', [0.81971957, 2.84512495, 0.69545001])]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('arr_shape', [(2,), (5,)]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('ivec', range(0, 5))
[docs] def test_map_EV_to_height_array_location(self, ev_flag, test_mapped, arr_shape, ivec): """Test mapping of E-field/drift to a specified height with arrays. Parameters ---------- ev_flag : str Character flag specifying whether to run 'E' or 'V' methods test_mapped : list List of expected outputs arr_shape : tuple Shape of the expected output ivec : int Index of the expected output """ # Set the base input and output values eshape = list(arr_shape) eshape.insert(0, 3) edata = np.array([[1, 2, 3]] * in_args = [60, 15, 100, 500, edata.reshape(tuple(eshape))] # Update inputs for one vectorized value if this is a location input if ivec < 4: in_args[ivec] = np.full(shape=arr_shape, fill_value=in_args[ivec]) # Get the mapped output apex_method = getattr(self.apex_out, "map_{:s}_to_height".format(ev_flag)) mapped = apex_method(*in_args) # Test the results for i, test_val in enumerate(test_mapped): assert mapped[i].shape == arr_shape np.testing.assert_allclose(mapped[i], test_val, rtol=1e-5) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("in_args,test_mapped", [([60, 15, 100, 500, [1, 2, 3]], [0.81971957, 2.84512495, 0.69545001]), ([60, 15, 100, 500, [2, 3, 4]], [1.83027746, 4.14346436, 0.94764179]), ([60, 15, 100, 1000, [1, 2, 3]], [0.92457698, 3.14997661, 0.85135187]), ([60, 15, 200, 500, [1, 2, 3]], [0.80388262, 2.79321504, 0.68285158]), ([60, 30, 100, 500, [1, 2, 3]], [0.76141245, 2.87884673, 0.73655941]), ([70, 15, 100, 500, [1, 2, 3]], [0.84681866, 2.5925821, 0.34792655])])
[docs] def test_map_V_to_height_scalar_location(self, in_args, test_mapped): """Test mapping of velocity to a specified height. Parameters ---------- in_args : list List of input arguments test_mapped : list List of expected outputs """ mapped = self.apex_out.map_V_to_height(*in_args) np.testing.assert_allclose(mapped, test_mapped, rtol=1e-5) return
[docs] class TestApexBasevectorMethods(object): """Test the Apex height base vector methods."""
[docs] def setup_method(self): """Initialize all tests.""" self.apex_out = apexpy.Apex(date=2000, refh=300) = 60 self.lon = 15 self.height = 100 self.test_basevec = None
[docs] def teardown_method(self): """Clean up after each test.""" del self.apex_out, self.test_basevec,, self.lon, self.height
[docs] def get_comparison_results(self, bv_coord, coords, precision): """Get the base vector results using the hidden function for comparison. Parameters ---------- bv_coord : str Basevector coordinate scheme, expects on of 'apex', 'qd', or 'bvectors_apex' coords : str Expects one of 'geo', 'apex', or 'qd' precision : float Float specifiying precision """ if coords == "geo": glat = glon = self.lon else: apex_method = getattr(self.apex_out, "{:s}2geo".format(coords)) glat, glon, _ = apex_method(, self.lon, self.height, precision=precision) if bv_coord == 'qd': self.test_basevec = self.apex_out._basevec(glat, glon, self.height) elif bv_coord == 'apex': (_, _, _, _, f1, f2, _, d1, d2, d3, _, e1, e2, e3) = self.apex_out._geo2apexall(glat, glon, 100) self.test_basevec = (f1, f2, d1, d2, d3, e1, e2, e3) else: # These are set results that need to be updated with IGRF if coords == "geo": self.test_basevec = ( np.array([4.42368795e-05, 4.42368795e-05]), np.array([[0.01047826, 0.01047826], [0.33089194, 0.33089194], [-1.04941, -1.04941]]), np.array([5.3564698e-05, 5.3564698e-05]), np.array([[0.00865356, 0.00865356], [0.27327004, 0.27327004], [-0.8666646, -0.8666646]])) elif coords == "apex": self.test_basevec = ( np.array([4.48672735e-05, 4.48672735e-05]), np.array([[-0.12510721, -0.12510721], [0.28945938, 0.28945938], [-1.1505738, -1.1505738]]), np.array([6.38577444e-05, 6.38577444e-05]), np.array([[-0.08790194, -0.08790194], [0.2033779, 0.2033779], [-0.808408, -0.808408]])) else: self.test_basevec = ( np.array([4.46348578e-05, 4.46348578e-05]), np.array([[-0.12642345, -0.12642345], [0.29695055, 0.29695055], [-1.1517885, -1.1517885]]), np.array([6.38626285e-05, 6.38626285e-05]), np.array([[-0.08835986, -0.08835986], [0.20754464, 0.20754464], [-0.8050078, -0.8050078]])) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("bv_coord", ["qd", "apex"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("coords,precision", [("geo", 1e-10), ("apex", 1.0e-2), ("qd", 1.0e-2)])
[docs] def test_basevectors_scalar(self, bv_coord, coords, precision): """Test the base vector calculations with scalars. Parameters ---------- bv_coord : str Name of the input coordinate system coords : str Name of the output coordinate system precision : float Level of run precision requested """ # Get the base vectors base_method = getattr(self.apex_out, "basevectors_{:s}".format(bv_coord)) basevec = base_method(, self.lon, self.height, coords=coords, precision=precision) self.get_comparison_results(bv_coord, coords, precision) if bv_coord == "apex": basevec = list(basevec) for i in range(4): # Not able to compare indices 2, 3, 4, and 5 basevec.pop(2) # Test the results for i, vec in enumerate(basevec): np.testing.assert_allclose(vec, self.test_basevec[i]) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("bv_coord", ["qd", "apex"])
[docs] def test_basevectors_scalar_shape(self, bv_coord): """Test the shape of the scalar output. Parameters ---------- bv_coord : str Name of the input coordinate system """ base_method = getattr(self.apex_out, "basevectors_{:s}".format(bv_coord)) basevec = base_method(, self.lon, self.height) for i, vec in enumerate(basevec): if i < 2: assert vec.shape == (2,) else: assert vec.shape == (3,) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arr_shape', [(2,), (5,)]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("bv_coord", ["qd", "apex"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("ivec", range(3))
[docs] def test_basevectors_array(self, arr_shape, bv_coord, ivec): """Test the output shape for array inputs. Parameters ---------- arr_shape : tuple Expected output shape bv_coord : str Name of the input coordinate system ivec : int Index of the evaluated output value """ # Define the input arguments in_args = [, self.lon, self.height] in_args[ivec] = np.full(shape=arr_shape, fill_value=in_args[ivec]) # Get the basevectors base_method = getattr(self.apex_out, "basevectors_{:s}".format(bv_coord)) basevec = base_method(*in_args, coords='geo', precision=1e-10) self.get_comparison_results(bv_coord, "geo", 1e-10) if bv_coord == "apex": basevec = list(basevec) for i in range(4): # Not able to compare indices 2, 3, 4, and 5 basevec.pop(2) # Evaluate the shape and the values for i, vec in enumerate(basevec): test_shape = list(arr_shape) test_shape.insert(0, 2 if i < 2 else 3) assert vec.shape == tuple(test_shape) assert np.all(self.test_basevec[i][0] == vec[0]) assert np.all(self.test_basevec[i][1] == vec[1]) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("coords", ["geo", "apex", "qd"])
[docs] def test_bvectors_apex(self, coords): """Test the bvectors_apex method. Parameters ---------- coords : str Name of the coordiante system """ in_args = [[,], [self.lon, self.lon], [self.height, self.height]] self.get_comparison_results("bvectors_apex", coords, 1e-10) basevec = self.apex_out.bvectors_apex(*in_args, coords=coords, precision=1e-10) for i, vec in enumerate(basevec): np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(vec, self.test_basevec[i], decimal=5) return
[docs] def test_basevectors_apex_extra_values(self): """Test specific values in the apex base vector output.""" # Set the testing arrays self.test_basevec = [np.array([0.092637, -0.245951, 0.938848]), np.array([0.939012, 0.073416, -0.07342]), np.array([0.055389, 1.004155, 0.257594]), np.array([0, 0, 1.065135])] # Get the desired output basevec = self.apex_out.basevectors_apex(0, 15, 100, coords='geo') # Test the values not covered by `test_basevectors_scalar` for itest, ibase in enumerate(np.arange(2, 6, 1)): np.testing.assert_allclose(basevec[ibase], self.test_basevec[itest], rtol=1e-4) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("lat", range(0, 90, 10)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("lon", range(0, 360, 15))
[docs] def test_basevectors_apex_delta(self, lat, lon): """Test that vectors are calculated correctly. Parameters ---------- lat : int or float Latitude in degrees N lon : int or float Longitude in degrees E """ # Get the apex base vectors and sort them for easy testing (f1, f2, f3, g1, g2, g3, d1, d2, d3, e1, e2, e3) = self.apex_out.basevectors_apex(lat, lon, 500) fvec = [np.append(f1, 0), np.append(f2, 0), f3] gvec = [g1, g2, g3] dvec = [d1, d2, d3] evec = [e1, e2, e3] for idelta, jdelta in [(i, j) for i in range(3) for j in range(3)]: delta = 1 if idelta == jdelta else 0 np.testing.assert_allclose(np.sum(fvec[idelta] * gvec[jdelta]), delta, rtol=0, atol=1e-5) np.testing.assert_allclose(np.sum(dvec[idelta] * evec[jdelta]), delta, rtol=0, atol=1e-5) return
[docs] def test_basevectors_apex_invalid_scalar(self): """Test warning and fill values for base vectors with bad inputs.""" self.apex_out = apexpy.Apex(date=2000, refh=10000) invalid = np.full(shape=(3,), fill_value=np.nan) # Get the output and the warnings with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warn_rec: basevec = self.apex_out.basevectors_apex(0, 0, 0) for i, bvec in enumerate(basevec): if i < 2: assert not np.allclose(bvec, invalid[:2]) else: np.testing.assert_allclose(bvec, invalid) assert issubclass(warn_rec[-1].category, UserWarning) assert 'set to NaN where' in str(warn_rec[-1].message) return
[docs] class TestApexGetMethods(object): """Test the Apex `get` methods."""
[docs] def setup_method(self): """Initialize all tests.""" self.apex_out = apexpy.Apex(date=2000, refh=300)
[docs] def teardown_method(self): """Clean up after each test.""" del self.apex_out
@pytest.mark.parametrize("alat, aheight", [(10, 507.409702543805), (60, 20313.026999999987), ([10, 60], [507.409702543805, 20313.026999999987]), ([[10], [60]], [[507.409702543805], [20313.026999999987]])])
[docs] def test_get_apex(self, alat, aheight): """Test the apex height retrieval results. Parameters ---------- alat : int or float Apex latitude in degrees N aheight : int or float Apex height in km """ alt = self.apex_out.get_apex(alat) np.testing.assert_allclose(alt, aheight) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("glat,glon,height,test_bmag", [([80], [100], [300], 5.100682377815247e-05), ([80, 80], [100], [300], [5.100682377815247e-05, 5.100682377815247e-05]), ([[80], [80]], [100], [300], [[5.100682377815247e-05], [5.100682377815247e-05]]), (range(50, 90, 8), range(0, 360, 80), [300] * 5, np.array([4.18657154e-05, 5.11118114e-05, 4.91969854e-05, 5.10519207e-05, 4.90054816e-05])), (90.0, 0, 1000, 3.7834718823432923e-05)])
[docs] def test_get_babs(self, glat, glon, height, test_bmag): """Test the method to get the magnitude of the magnetic field. Parameters ---------- glat : list List of latitudes in degrees N glon : list List of longitudes in degrees E height : list List of heights in km test_bmag : float Expected B field magnitude """ bmag = self.apex_out.get_babs(glat, glon, height) np.testing.assert_allclose(bmag, test_bmag, rtol=0, atol=1e-5) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("bad_lat", [(91), (-91)])
[docs] def test_get_apex_with_invalid_lat(self, bad_lat): """Test get methods raise ValueError for invalid latitudes. Parameters ---------- bad_lat : int or float Bad input latitude in degrees N """ with pytest.raises(ValueError) as verr: self.apex_out.get_apex(bad_lat) assert str(verr.value).find("must be in [-90, 90]") > 0 return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("bad_lat", [(91), (-91)])
[docs] def test_get_babs_with_invalid_lat(self, bad_lat): """Test get methods raise ValueError for invalid latitudes. Parameters ---------- bad_lat : int or float Bad input latitude in degrees N """ with pytest.raises(ValueError) as verr: self.apex_out.get_babs(bad_lat, 15, 100) assert str(verr.value).find("must be in [-90, 90]") > 0 return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("bound_lat", [(90), (-90)])
[docs] def test_get_at_lat_boundary(self, bound_lat): """Test get methods at the latitude boundary, with allowed excess. Parameters ---------- bound_lat : int or float Boundary input latitude in degrees N """ # Get a latitude just beyond the limit excess_lat = np.sign(bound_lat) * (abs(bound_lat) + 1.0e-5) # Get the two outputs, slight tolerance outside of boundary allowed bound_out = self.apex_out.get_apex(bound_lat) excess_out = self.apex_out.get_apex(excess_lat) # Test the outputs np.testing.assert_allclose(excess_out, bound_out, rtol=0, atol=1e-8) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("apex_height", [-100, 0, 300, 10000])
[docs] def test_get_height_at_equator(self, apex_height): """Test that `get_height` returns apex height at equator. Parameters ---------- apex_height : float Apex height """ assert apex_height == self.apex_out.get_height(0.0, apex_height) return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("lat, height", [ (-90, -6371.009), (-80, -6088.438503309167), (-70, -5274.8091854339655), (-60, -4028.256749999999), (-50, -2499.1338178752017), (-40, -871.8751821247979), (-30, 657.2477500000014), (-20, 1903.8001854339655), (-10, 2717.4295033091657), (0, 3000.0), (10, 2717.4295033091657), (20, 1903.8001854339655), (30, 657.2477500000014), (40, -871.8751821247979), (50, -2499.1338178752017), (60, -4028.256749999999), (70, -5274.8091854339655), (80, -6088.438503309167)])
[docs] def test_get_height_along_fieldline(self, lat, height): """Test that `get_height` returns expected height of field line. Parameters ---------- lat : float Input latitude height : float Output field-line height for line with apex of 3000 km """ fheight = self.apex_out.get_height(lat, 3000.0) assert abs(height - fheight) < 1.0e-7, \ "bad height calculation: {:.7f} != {:.7f}".format(height, fheight) return
[docs] class TestApexMethodExtrapolateIGRF(object): """Test the Apex methods on a year when IGRF must be extrapolated. Notes ----- Extrapolation should be done using a year within 5 years of the latest IGRF model epoch. """
[docs] def setup_method(self): """Initialize all tests.""" self.apex_out = apexpy.Apex(date=2030, refh=300) self.in_lat = 60 self.in_lon = 15 self.in_alt = 100 self.in_time = dt.datetime(2029, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) return
[docs] def teardown_method(self): """Clean up after each test.""" del self.apex_out, self.in_lat, self.in_lon, self.in_alt return
@pytest.mark.parametrize("method_name, out_comp", [("geo2apex", (56.30344009399414, 91.99834442138672)), ("apex2geo", (54.22148513793945, -67.09271240234375, 4.268868451617891e-06)), ("geo2qd", (56.87860870361328, 91.99834442138672)), ("apex2qd", (60.498401178276744, 15.0)), ("qd2apex", (59.49138097045895, 15.0))])
[docs] def test_method_scalar_input(self, method_name, out_comp): """Test the user method against set values with scalars. Parameters ---------- method_name : str Apex class method to be tested out_comp : tuple of floats Expected output values """ # Get the desired methods user_method = getattr(self.apex_out, method_name) # Get the user output user_out = user_method(self.in_lat, self.in_lon, self.in_alt) # Evaluate the user output np.testing.assert_allclose(user_out, out_comp, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-5) for out_val in user_out: assert np.asarray(out_val).shape == (), "output is not a scalar" return
[docs] def test_convert_to_mlt(self): """Test conversion from mlon to mlt with scalars.""" # Get user output user_out = self.apex_out.mlon2mlt(self.in_lon, self.in_time) # Set comparison values out_comp = 23.933631388346353 # Evaluate user output np.testing.assert_allclose(user_out, out_comp, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-5) return